General Assessment Information

What Is An Assessed Value?
Your assessed value is the value placed upon your property by your local assessor.
To determine this value, you would typically multiply the market value by 33.33%, which is the statutory level of assessments.
For example, if your market value is $500,000 you would multiply $500,000 by .3333 to get an assessed value of $166,650.

How Is My Tax Bill Determined?
The local Board of Review certifies all the assessed values to the Treasurer. The Treasurer then takes the levy that each taking body requires and divides the total assessed value for that district by the levy.
This gives the Treasurer the rate that each taxpayer in that district is required to pay. The Treasurer does this for each taxing body, then adds all the different rates together to get the total rate you will pay.

Where Can I Find Information On My Township Assessor and Their Office?
Please click each township name to be taken to their website where you can get their address, telephone number, and hours of operation. Each page may also offer other assessment information.
Antioch, Avon, Benton, Cuba, Ela, Fremont, Grant,
Lake Villa, Libertyville, Moraine, Newport, Shields,

Who Is The Board Of Review?
The Board of Review is a panel of three people appointed by the county board to review and decide on the complaints filed by taxpayers.
Due to the large number of complaints a county receives, the County Board also approves alternate board members. This is how Lake County is able to have more then three boards of review in session at one time.
The Board of Review members are all required to pass a test administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue and typically have some sort of real estate experience.

What Happens After I Get My Assessment Notice?
Once you get your assessment notice the clock starts ticking to appeal!
Check out our deadline chart to make sure you know when the last day to appeal is.
There you will find the last day to file an appeal for each township. This deadline is also printed on the assessment notice you receive in the mail.

What Is A Levy?
A levy is the amount of money that each taxing body requires to be collected through the property tax system.

Is There A Central Website To Get Assessment Information On Property Assessments, Appealing, & Comparable Properties?
Lake County has a website where you can gather information on your own home as well as other homes in your area. Click here to be taken to that website.
McHenry Township also has a website that you can reach by clicking here.